November 2008 "Essentials of Islamic Beliefs"

With Shaykh Imadudeen Abu Hijleh

The discipline of Islamic belief has many names in Arabic. One of these names is usul al-din, which means, "the foundations of religion." In reality, this truly describes what Islamic belief is: the foundation of a Muslim's religion. If his belief is in trouble, then all other aspects of his religion are also in trouble; just as when a building's foundations are shaky, the entire structure is shaky. Because of this, the root cause for the lack of religious dedication and drive that many Muslims find within themselves is that they haven't established their foundations of Islamic belief properly. For this reason, this course is arguably the most important of all courses.

Our belief is the context of our lives—it is what gives our lives meaning. Through it, we understand where we came from, what we are doing here, and where we are going. By understanding both the key tenets of our faith and why we believe them, you will be able to give your life meaning and purpose. And by being able to have all your belief-related doubts, questions, and confusions answered, you will leave with a firm conviction in all the tenets of faith, and will find a fresh drive to learn your religion and draw closer to Allah Most High.


-Belief in Allah His names and Attributes.

-Belief in His prophets and their infallibility as mentioned in the Quran.

-Belief in the Angels, their names and duties.

-Belief in the Jinn, their names, tribes, their magic and their purpose.

-Belief in the Day of Judgement, its signs , the states of the soul, the life of the grave, the questioning of the Angels Munkar and Nakir, hell and heaven.

-Belief in Predestination and Divine Decree (Qadha & Qadr).

-Dreams, forgiveness and 'Riddah.' (what takes you out of Islam)

NOTE: This is an intensive course and will cover a lot of material so please come prepared.*


The Shaykhs Bio:

Shaykh Imaduddeen Abu Hijleh is orginally for Jordon and lived in Boston for 18 years. He has several ijazas or teaching certificates from well-known scholars in Qur'an, Hadith and Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence). He has spent several years studying Fiqh with several scholars, such as Shaykh Mustafa Mekki in UAE and Shaykh Ahmed Mabrook, the student of the Mufti of Egypt. Shaykh Imad also studied Hadith, Hadith Methodology, Fiqh, Fiqh Methodology and Aqeedah with other scholars. He is an author and teacher. He founded and taught at the Razi Institute from 1992 to 2000 in Everett, MA, which
was focused on teaching the basics of Islamic Knowledge. Shaykh Imad wrote a 850 page book covering topics including Aqeedah, Fiqh and Seerah and this book has been certified b Ahmad Muhtar Ramzi (the famous Egyptian scholar of Hadith), Shaykh Nuh Ali Salman (the Mufti of Jordon), and AlAzhar University of Egypt among others. Shaykh Imad also wrote a book on the crises of Zakat in the West, which was certified by scholars in Jordon. He is currently based in Tarim Yemen with his Shaykh Habib Umar bin Hafidh, and is writing additional works on Fiqh in the West, covering topics such as fasting, family relations, inheritance and dawah.
